Sunday Resources

How To Be Wise With Words
Dustin Funk - The Way of Wisdom: Part 6 | 2025-02-09
The book of Proverbs, which is included in the Bible, is perhaps the most famous text in the world on wisdom; millions of people for thousands of years have looked to it for help. In the Bible “wisdom” is competence in regards to the complex realitie . . .

How To Be Wise With Our Friendships
Dustin Funk - The Way of Wisdom: Part 5 | 2025-02-02
The book of Proverbs, which is included in the Bible, is perhaps the most famous text in the world on wisdom; millions of people for thousands of years have looked to it for help. In the Bible “wisdom” is competence in regards to the complex realitie . . .

How To Be Wise With Anger
Dustin Funk - The Way of Wisdom: Part 4 | 2025-01-26
The book of Proverbs, which is included in the Bible, is perhaps the most famous text in the world on wisdom; millions of people for thousands of years have looked to it for help. In the Bible “wisdom” is competence in regards to the complex realitie . . .

Fear of Man
Darryl Janzen - The Way of Wisdom: Part 3 | 2025-01-19
It is natural for us to desire the approval of others, to desire to look a certain way, to be liked and accepted. But both Solomon and Jesus remind us that this leads us into a snare - and it will end badly. Fortunately they give us the secret to avo . . .

How To Be Wise With Sex
Dustin Funk - The Way of Wisdom: Part 2 | 2025-01-12
The book of Proverbs, which is included in the Bible, is perhaps the most famous text in the world on wisdom; millions of people for thousands of years have looked to it for help. In the Bible “wisdom” is competence in regards to the complex realitie . . .

Walk With The Wise
Wes Weiss - The Way of Wisdom: Part 1 | 2025-01-05
It's been said - "Show me your friends and I will show you your future." Our closest relationships shape the direction and quality of our lives. Proverbs, the most famous collection of wisdom, speaks powerfully about choosing our close relationships . . .

Christmas Eve
Dustin Funk - Christmas Eve: 2024 | 2024-12-24
This message explores what is written to the church in 1 John, chapter 1. At a Christmas service you can go to parts of the Bible that describes the Christmas events; recordings of shepherds, angels, wise men, and the manger. 1 John 1 is obviously no . . .

His Name Shall Be
Darryl Janzen - Someone Special Is Coming: Part 3 | 2024-12-15
700 years before Jesus came, Isaiah prophesied that someone special was coming. Well, special is quite the understatement. Jesus is special beyond our ability to even understand. If he came only as Saviour that would have been enough. But it’s even b . . .

A Delightful Disruption
Troy Selley - Someone Special Is Coming: Part 2 | 2024-12-08
Have you ever considered the idea that the birth of Jesus is the greatest disruption in all of history? His birth changed forever how we can live in relationship with God the Father in this life, and by defeating death and sin he secured our eternity . . .

Embrace Grace
Darryl Janzen - Wrong Why: Part 1 | 2024-11-24
In a performance culture, you get what you deserve. As a result, our actions are motivated by the idea that success comes to those who work hard and perform well. But this becomes very dangerous when we apply a performance filter to our faith. What w . . .

Village of Hope Malawi
Troy Selley & Dustin Funk - Malawi: Part 1 | 2024-11-17
For the past 5 years the people of Oasis Church have been partnering with Village of Hope in their work to bring nutrition, education, healthcare and spiritual care to the children of Malawi. In this message we look at the things God is doing through . . .

A Holy Response
Dustin Funk - The World Spins Madly On: Part 4 | 2024-11-10
In this fourth week of the series we take a bit of a different approach and look at the brokenness of our world by looking at the evil that is inside us all. What do we do with that? How do we respond? Over and over again the Bible calls us to respon . . .

Tools For Facing Pain and Suffering
Dustin Funk - The World Spins Madly On: Part 3 | 2024-11-03
All of us know intuitively that there is something wrong with this world; things are not
exactly as they should be. This message highlights a number of tools that Christianity gives us
that are especially helpful as we walk through pain, suffering an . . .

Hope in the Midst of Pain and Suffering
Dustin funk - The World Spins Madly On: Part 2 | 2024-10-27
All of us know intuitively that there is something wrong with this world; things are not
exactly as they should be. This message looks at three streams of the Bible’s teaching
that are especially helpful as we walk through pain, suffering and evil. . . .

Gratitude and Forgiveness
Dustin Funk - Thanksgiving: Part 1 | 2024-10-13
In this Thanksgiving message we look at what we have to be most grateful for: the
incredible forgiveness we have received as from God through the work of Jesus on the
cross. How should this forgiveness and gratitude impact how we forgive others? . . .

Quick to Listen
Wes Weiss - Big Enough To Give Your Life To: Part 5 | 2024-10-06
It seems like the level of conflict in our culture has escalated. Lots of people are talking to each other but not too many people are listening to each other. In this message James, the brother of Jesus has some advice for us before we speak our min . . .

Big Responsibility
Dustin Funk - Big Enough To Give Your Life To: Part 3 | 2024-09-22
As Christians, the moment we decided to follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes into our
lives. The Holy Spirit doesn’t come empty-handed – he brings gifts. These gifts are
divine enablements to do things by God’s power. This message explores how God
exp . . .

Hearing God Through Others
Troy Selley - Hearing God: Part 3 | 2024-09-01
Every good relationship has a foundation of good communication. In our relationship with God, He wants you to hear his voice, sometimes even more than you want to hear it! One of the loudest, most common, and tangible ways God speaks to us is through . . .

Learning To Hear God's Voice
Darryl Janzen - Hearing God : Part 2 | 2024-08-25
Jesus promises that, just like sheep learn to recognize the voice of their shepherd, it's possible for His followers to recognize His voice. Unfortunately, our culture is built to miss God’s whispers - we can’t hear because of all of the noise. How c . . .

Peace in the Present
Darryl Janzen - Summer Fruit: Part 7 | 2024-08-11
Sometimes life feels like chaos: busy, unstable, unpredictable. Chaos very quickly takes your focus off of what’s most important. You can’t change every circumstance, but you can change some of the ways you respond to them. God holds your future, so . . .

Faithfulness We Crave
Alex Janzen - Summer Fruit: Part 5 | 2024-07-28
Unfaithfulness is the default setting of our world and although we hate to be on the receiving end, we struggle to be faithful as well, especially when someone has been unfaithful to us. If we can regularly reflect on the faithfulness of God througho . . .