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Thank you for your interest in

supporting the mission of Oasis Church.

Your generosity makes the quality environments that you and your family enjoy on a weekly basis possible. You are creating a church unchurched people love to attend! Below you can give directly online. Further down the page, you can find out about even more ways to give. 

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If the giving frame above isn't showing, please click here.

If you have previously given via CanadaHelps and prefer to continue donating through them click here



We can securely set up direct deposit giving (i.e. directly from your bank account). You set the amount and the frequency and you can start or stop at any time. This a great way to commit to giving to God first. Just fill out the form and put it in a drop-box on Sunday. 



Please make your check payable "Oasis Church" 
and drop it in one of the Drop Boxes on Sunday or mail it to:


Oasis Church
940 Elmhurst Road
Winnipeg, MB R3R 3X7



Gifts of securities is the most tax efficient way to make a donation and a great way to make a greater impact with your gift! 


Here is some great info on donating securities


We also accept donations via electronic fund transfer (EFT) You can now send e-transfers to:

Year End Giving

VOH: Malawi

to give to VOH: Malawi and contribute to the community hall they are building, mark your giving with VOH:Malawi > Projects


Oasis Community Outreach

to give to outreach & support ministries, you can mark your giving with Oasis: Outreach


Future Fund

to give to paying down the remainder of our mortgage, and/or future projects, mark your giving with For Winnipeg

Got questions about giving?

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