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Waumba Land

Waumba Land Online: June 21

Updated: Apr 20, 2021


We are continuing to learn how we can help and be kind to others. This week we are focusing on how we can be kind to our neighbours and people in our community. In our story we will see how a man showed kindness to a stranger who was hurt. 


"Love Your Neighbour" Song

Talk About It:

  1. Read the story about the good Samaritan this week Luke 10:25–37

  2. Has anyone ever helped you when you were hurt or in need, like the Good Samaritan helped the hurt man? 

  3. Is it easier or harder to be kind to someone who has not been kind to you? When was a time that you were kind to someone who was not your friend and what happened? 

Want some more fun things to do this week?

Check these out!


This summer in Waumba Land we are having a ROOTIN' TOOTIN' ROUNDUP!

Dust off your boots, grab your cowboy hat, load the kids in the car (yay, you get to leave the house), and get ready for a hootin' hollerin' (physically-distanced) Drive-Thru Party. Why? because we want your little ones to have everything they'll need to help them learn they can trust God. You'll love the excuse to leave the house and they'll love getting dressed up and getting fun surprises. Register HERE to make sure a swag bag will be ready for you!

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