Trusting God gives you the courage to do big things. God will always be with us and give us the courage that we need even when things seem too tough, or too big. Today we are learning all about Joshua and how he trusted God and had the courage to do something very big!
"Wild Love" Music Video
"He Has Won" Music Video
What is something that you have a hard time trusting God with right now? Why do you think you’re having a hard time trusting God with it?
God tells Joshua to “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Why shouldn’t we be afraid and discouraged? When is a time you felt afraid or discouraged what helped you get through it?
What “big things” could you do this week that you feel like you haven’t been brave enough to do?
We want you to try something NEW that we bet you've never done before. We'd like to call this the Family Baking Challenge (with a twist!). What you need for this challenge is at minimum: 1. person to video 2. designated baker 3. arms/hands of the baker. You can add as many family members as you like to the challenge and have lots of fun! Send in your videos to or DM us on Instagram @upstreet_oasis.
Watch this video to have an example of what this could look like: