It might just be the lesson our kids need after this week. Forgiveness isn’t easy, but holding onto things can really weigh us down. We all mess up, and make mistakes, and it's so great to know we have a God that forgives us no matter what. That's why we need to forgive others, because we've been forgiven. Learn more about that this week!
"Zeal" Music Video
"We Are Royals" Music Video
Have some fun reviewing the story and learning more about how we all need to be forgiven with some fun true and false questions to see if your kids were paying attention to the story! Then have some fun learning the memory verse together with a fun game of "Say or Sweat".
The woman in the story did a bad thing. Lead your kids into a discussion about forgiveness and how we all need to be forgiven. If your kids are asking more specific questions about the woman sin, we have some great tips to help you continue the conversation with them. Just remember, her sin isn't really important, that shouldn't be the focus of your discussion. The main thing to remember is that we all mess up and need to be forgiven.
If your kids enjoy arts and crafts, download these activities for them to have some fun with, while getting them to think more about forgiveness.